Successful Campaigns and Future Opportunities

Greetings Friends of Open Boulder!

Open Boulder is the only organization in Boulder formed specifically to improve the effectiveness of local government, both through Council member changes and in good governance initiatives.

During the 2020 election cycle, Open Boulder conceptualized and led the successful Our Mayor, Our Choice ballot initiative (in spite of numerous COVID- and political obstacles), which won with nearly 80% of the vote. And in 2019, Open Boulder--as a member of the Coalition--helped elect four new City Council members out of six slots (the top three candidates each broke records for the highest number of votes in City’s history). In 2017, we successfully advocated for and helped pass term limits for Council members.

The trajectory for 2021 is very positive—future initiatives could be ranked choice voting for Council, increased Council pay, etc.—and we don’t want to let up now. As we look to 2021, we hope to again be recruiting and training board and commission candidates in January (which helps us build a pipeline of talent and installs the right kind of people into the governance process). And beginning in April, we will begin our work to finally gain a majority of more progressive candidates in the 2021 City Council election.

Over 2000 people have signed on to this “mission” since October 2014. They see our progression and our execution against the goals. They continue to support our efforts through regular donations. We have a part-time professional staff member who has made much of our work possible and we would deeply appreciate your support.

People can support us in the following ways:

1) To make a tax-deductible donation, supporters need to donate to the Open Boulder Foundation 501c3. This money will not be used for political efforts, but for voter education, boards & commissions efforts, etc.

2) To support our political activism next year, please make a contribution to the Open Boulder 501c4.